What are Mystery Boxes in Words With Friends?
Mystery Boxes are rewards that can contain coins, tile styles, and more. There are many different types of boxes that vary on what's inside. The levels can go from Blue, Green, Purple, Pink, Bronze, Silver, then Gold. Most of the time the amount of rewards given depends on the type of Mystery Box.
You can earn Mystery Boxes in several different ways. One of which is by completing the Daily Goals. These can be challenges like completing a Solo Challenge game, playing a word of a certain length, and more.
Another way is by completing the Daily Word Play. This challenge has a set number of points to reach by playing words on different premade gameboards. Each board has a set of new rack tiles and only allows one play at a time. Once a word is played on the board, you move on to the next.
One of the best ways to acquire Mystery Boxes is by taking part in Monthly Events. These have challenges like playing specific letters in a word. When you complete a task you can win a number of materials unique to the event. The more materials you obtain for the event the better Mystery Boxes you can open.
Before opening your boxes, one thing to make sure of is to check which selected Tile Style you are trying to complete. This will affect the type of Tile Style paint drops you will get when opening boxes. Go here to learn how to select a Tile Style.
To claim Mystery Boxes, tap on the Rewards & Challenges dropdown at the top of the Games screen. There you will be able to open the boxes, view the Daily Goals, and play the Daily Word Play.